Regular Meeting – October 6, 2015


           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, Mike Williams at 1001 hrs.  Members present:  Larry Helsley, Bill Britton, Arden Potter, and George Owen.  Members absent: None. Others present: Chief Scott Alvord, Jim Underwood, and Clerk Lisa Guglielmina.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.    Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of September 1, 2015 –

B.     Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –

MSC Britton/Helsley to approve the consent agenda as presented.


       III.               OATH OF OFFICE: Michael Williams, George Owen, and Arden Potter appointed in lieu of election due to insufficient nominees.  – All three members sworn in by Lisa Guglielmina, Clerk of the Board.


       IV.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.  Discuss/Approve Policy #3006.1-Billing for services outside of District Boundaries- Short discussion on Ordinance.

This Item tabled until next regularly scheduled meeting.

B.  Discuss/Approve Policy #3006.2-Billing for services within District Boundaries- Discussion on non-emergency frequent calls.

MSC Owen/Helsley to approve Policy #3006.2 billing for services within District Boundaries.

C.  Discuss/Approve Policy #3002.6-Apparatus Fees for incident response-Short discussion on the various rates.

This item tabled until next regularly scheduled meeting.



A.    Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Program at a halt during fire season.    

B.     Fire Chief/Marshall Report:  

·        July 2015 calls totaled 55 while July 2014 were 35-calls are up

·        Brown’s Fire

·        Fire behind Mill – Arson

·        2 hot spots on Democrat fire even after 1.5 inches of rain

·        Vehicle fire in Brown’s Ranch area

·        Chief’s meeting – Prop W (TOT)

·        New ladder truck was picked up on Saturday

·        Training personnel on new ladder truck

·        New facilitator for schools

·        Follow-up inspection on Lumber Mill

·        Curran and Gaulke going to low angle rope rescue class

C.    Fire Department Report: Bingo has been put on hold  

D.    Sleeper Program Reports: Ernie moving out.  Discussion on a sleeper        

E.     Committee Reports:

·        Recruitment Committee:  Possible interested party in Chief’s position

·        Collection Committee: No report

·        Contract Committee: No report

·        Tuition Committee: No report.

·        Budget Committee:  No report.   

F.     Director Reports: Britton – need to start the process of hiring for Chief’s position.  Owen – thanked Chief Alvord for the work involved in acquiring the new ladder truck.                                                


       VI.               PUBLIC COMMENTS: Underwood- SB 239-fire services  


     VII.               CORRESPONDENCE: None.


  VIII.               ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1101 hrs.      



__________________________                                    __________________________

    Mike Williams, Chairman                                        Lisa Guglielmina, Clerk of the Board